The AF3 Cross
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To receive the Armored Fist Cross for a perfect game, you must play at least 55min. of OPF or an entire match game, you must engage in close quarters combat for more than half of the game and snipe for only 20min. or less in OPF, and must not receive any deaths. You must achieve at least dozen (12k) or more, considering the the number of enemy, type of game and whether or not missles are available for reload. If they are, you must have more than 12 kills for 55min.+ Sitting aloof and sniping a couple of kills in an hour does not qualify, my 3yr. old can do that.

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The second AF3 Cross is awarded to Bill 'BadTanker' Wallace for his leadership, integrity, and honorable actions in Af3.

Bill received this award after his passing from God's great earth, goodbye Bill.

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The first perfect game known in af3 was played by Savage.K9 in May of 2004.

He was the first to join and played for the entire 60 min.

He managed to kill 38 enemy tanks without losing one single tank of his own to enemy fire.

Col.Mudd.XR9 was his main opponant for 50min., but changed sides to kill pcm, who was ghosting, again.

Col. Savage.K9 is awarded the first ever Armored Fist Cross, for his perfect game.

(The fake blue team Savage.K9 is realy pcm who got pissed when Savage called him a loser, lol)

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GenBH.SR12 (warrant), achieves the second perfect game in AF3 on June 10, 2004, and receives the third only Armored Fist Cross fo his 60-minute OPF game. Bountyhunter sniped the entire 60 minutes, and reloaded 1 time using enemy bunkers.

Nice try Sam.SR3, BH says you almost had him during his reload attempt, lol

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Savage.K9 achieves his second perfect game in AF3 on July 5th, 2004, and receives another AF3 cross.

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Gibbon.XR35 plays the perfect game in AF3 26/0, on July 6th, 2004, and receives the AF3 cross.

(Claymore.PD ghost killed him and felt so bad he Yahoo'd me to appologize. So I joined to affirm results.)

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GenBH.SR12, achieves the third perfect game in AF3 on August 17, 2004, and receives his third Armored Fist Cross fo his 60-minute OPF game. Bountyhunter played the entire 60 minutes, with 40min. of dogfighting, and 20min. of sniping, and reloaded 1 time using enemy bunkers.

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General HAMMER.XR1 achieves his first perfect game and receives his first AF3 cross on August 21, 2004. His score was 44/1, and his 1 death happend at the begining of the game to be deghosted. He joined 4 min late and with honor and integrity, asked an enemy tanker to shoot him midfield, he then fought toe-toe for 40min, and sniped for the last 16min. By using missles to reload he was able to stay alive the entire game. A great achievement witnessed by many Xrays, Piledrivers and Sr players.

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General Hamme gets 2 more....

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Cougar, a rogue killer, achieves his first perfect game. A 60 min game bewtween dog-fights and sniping. Too bad he only had 2 opponants, he could have scored higher. When he joins a squad, he shall receive the AF3 Cross.

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XGamesXR64 receives his first af3 cross for the perfect game on October 7, 2004 with a 13-0 score

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Gen.ToXiC.PD scores a perfect game. He has two now, and has received 2 Armored Fist Crosses.

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Gunslinger plays the perfect game for 60min. receives the Armored Fist Cross


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XgamesXR64 playes his second perfect game, and it's his first as an Xray Tanker.


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Revolver gets his first perfect game.

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Thrasher achieves 2 perfect match games 7-0  &  6-0 as well as a perfect game in OPF of 11-0 against many top guns including Sonic.XR and LiteWolf.TP


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Shotgun gets two perfect games, one in OPF and one in WWW match.